Have you imagined how Bollywood actress who want to go to the loo, express themselves specially when they are in a meeting or a promotion. Potty and death can strike anytime goes an old Indian saying. So here is a funny spoof on Aishwarya Rai dying to go to the loo:
Aishwarya Rai farts, as she sits waiting for the speech. "When will the damn speech get over? I need to go to take a shit"
Aishwarya bids for her time to give a speech but she is bored and by mistake, Aishwarya Rai farts
I point at her accusingly and say, "Aishwarya Rai, your fart reminds me of this room atmosphere, Silent but Deadly
Aishwarya Rai giggles at this joke
No seriously tell me, does it stink a lot? Iam embarrassed, had a heavy dinner and didnt go in the morning
I say, "No Aishwarya, your fart has to be treasured. The most beautiful woman's fart has its own spark, its own individuality and its own magic."
Aishwarya Rai: How sweet, you definitely know to make even the most trivial things amusing and romantic
Anyway, it is Aishwarya's time to say the speech but then she ends up leaving some bombs from her bum much to the disgust of the woman behind who has to endure.
Finally, the speech is is over, but Aishwarya Rai still has to go to the loo so bad. She doesnt know where the loo is and she knows that I have been party to her fart a few minutes before, so I may be knowing what is going with it. As another man talks, she makes a number 2 sign stating the obvious
I get the point and go to her, "Can you take me to the toilet please, I spoke crap; if you guys hold me any longer, I may do crap too"
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Aishwarya Rai's Toilet Woes, Aishwarya Rai wants to do Potty
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